Sunday, July 29, 2007


Can you believe that the month is almost over? Boy, did July go buy fast!!! Before I talk about this weekend I just wanted to tell everyone that if you haven't seen the movie "Hairspray" Go and see it!!! It was one of the best movies I have seen in a long time. All you have to do is sit and watch it, you don't have to think about it just watch and enjoy!!! Let me know how you liked it.

Now for this weekend, Jessie and I went to the kenny chesney concert and Gillette Stadium. We had a great time. Here we are tailgating. When we were done eatting we went to look for Mikey and his friends...After hanging with them for a short time we went into the concert I really enjoyed Sugar Land they were very entertaining and put on an awesome show!! And boy was it hot out. Jessie and I had great seats..We enjoyed Brooks and Dunn they did a awesome tribute to the USA and our Service Men..The best thing of the night was Kenny of course He was the BEST Jessie and I sang and screamed the whole time (I know what your thinking how old is she? hee hee) It was so much fun. We got home around 12:40pm and I was up at 6:00 to clean out the van and head to mom's and then went to work. Jessie did a great job decorating the van,don't you think.

I went to see Rocky, Stacey's dog and boy is he cute!!! I will be spending time with him this week and I can't wait. Rest up Rocky because we are going to have a GREAT time!!!

Here's a great picture of Cooper while Jessie and I were getting ready to go yesterday he just looks so cuet!!

1 comment:

Staceyface1 said...

Rocky loves his Auntie Lynnie... He told me so!

Glad you had a good time at the concert, and remember, you are never too old to have fun! You go girl!