Monday, April 02, 2007

Welcome Spring

Well can you believe that another month has passed? It passed so quickly it is almost a blurr. I hope that this month of April will bring much happiness to all of you. Easter is just a few days ahead, I remember as a little girl how I would get all dressed up in a special dress and white gloves (only on easter) a quarter my dad would give me for my purse(white pattenleather) for the collection at church and my brothers in dress clothes and ties. How nice we all looked for church, I can remember during the sermon my mother would tell who ever was sitting next to dad to wake him up before he starts snoring so loud that everyone could hear him. I still laugh everytime I think of it (heeeheee).
I am very excited about the 13th of april. My friend(Stacey) and I are taking classes with Tim Holtz. I hope that Stacey and I don't giggle to much during class and get into to much trouble(heehee)
Tomorrow 4/3/07 is moms last chemo treatment. Unless the doctors feel that she is not up to it, we shall see. Today we had an appointment with the surgeon She is going to have surgery on the 19th. hopefully when they remove the breast they will get all the cancer. They are also going to remove some of her lymophnodes(?spelling) then the radiation is next. This has been such along road but we take 1 day at a time!!!
Then there is the 3 day weekend coming up. I always enjoy that weekend because then I can start working on my flower garden. I can't wait till the warm weather is here and the sun is always shining and everything is so green and you just feel good. It has been such a long winter!!!!!!

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